Sunday, February 2, 2014

January 27, 2014

this week was cool. we had 2 baptisms on saturday (diana y yohana) and the other elders in the ward had a baptism too, jose maría. there were more people at the baptism on saturday than in church on sunday. their mom and two of their cousins went to their baptism and enjoyed it but weren't able to make it to church on sunday. we also had another family of investigators that went to the baptism (ana, the daughter of juana, and her kids). jose maría's story is pretty cool, one sunday he just showed up to sacrament meeting, and after talking to him a bit we learned that his girlfriend and her family are all members, and he had attended church a bunch before, and felt that he needed to come to church. he waited a while in being baptized, cus he wanted to be sure he was doing the right thing first, but he bore an awesome testimony on sunday and now wants to go on a mission.
we only had one investigator in church this week, which is unfortunate after having a few weeks with 4 or 5 regularly, but it's better than nothing. jorge came, and it seems like he'll be able to progress smoothly towards baptism, he just needs to stop smoking. when the classes separated for priesthood, the branch president went to send him with the young men before being told he's 20, cus he looks a bit younger due to his size due to his former drug use. he had an earphone in for parts of church, but stayed for all three hours and said he enjoyed it. we weren't able to teach him at all this week, but were in fairly regular contact trying to schedule and reschedule appointments, and when we passed by on sunday he came out and came with us.
we're also gonna have a baptism this saturday too, but until now we haven't met him yet. his name is daniel, and he was a reference from other missionaries. they taught him and he went to church there, but moved into our area. he moved into the furthest part of our area, where we almost never go just cus it's so far and most people arent familiar with the location of the church so it's not particularly fruitful. but anyways he moved and we received the reference a couple weeks ago, but our phone has some issues and we cant call him successfully, and the two times we went to look for him we werent able to find him, as all we know is the road that he lives on. he's kept going to church in the other ward where he went before though and is ready for his baptism, we just need to find and meet him.
we've also been teaching a woman, lujan, who's progressing well. we contacted her house months ago when elder muñoz was still here and met her brother and her sister, and a couple weeks ago we were in that area and had nothing to do so we went and clapped there. we set an appointment and went the next day, but couldnt enter cus there werent any men present, but we stood outside talking for a few minutes. right as we were about to leave her brother walked up and we were able to go in and have a lesson. the first twenty minutes or so was just us pulling out scriptures and her saying that she doesnt want to stop worshipping the virgin, so i just said to myself ''we're not getting anywhere with this, i'm just gonna end the lesson'' so i started to close. i dont remember exactly what happened next, but she started to tell us about how she's a sinner and how she wishes reincarnation was real so that she could have another chance and started to cry. we read a little bit in alma 7 and invited her to be baptized and she accepted. she was asleep that sunday when we called her but said she's gonna come this sunday. she always has a ton of questions for us about the stories in the book of mormon and stuff (like why is alma named alma (alma means soul in spanish) and what does alma mean in hebrew and why was alma trying to destroy the church if his dad was a prophet), frank questions that i never really thought i would need to answer, but it's cool cus it shows she really wants to learn all she can from us. she accepts everything we teach as truth, except that she needs to stop praying to the virgin mary. that comes up usually at least once per lesson, but for now we just say basically that we're just going to continue visiting her and see what happens in the future.
the weather's pretty incredibly hot, but i'm used to it now. i dont really feel that hot, but i have to constantly wipe the sweat from my face on sunny days, and my nose is often burnt.
also something funny happened a few weeks ago and i dont think i ever sent it. we found a part member inactive family and started sharing with them. the dad is member but his kids arent. we passed by one sunday to bring them to church, and as we entered the street the dad (the only one who came with us) saw a bunch of beer cans (he collects and sells cans for a living) and we grabbed them to bring them to his house. after we had all made one trip, there were still a few cans and we mentioned it to him, but he said ''no we're gonna leave them for another poor person.''
i cant think of anything else and the usb port in this computer doesnt work so i'll send pictures next week

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